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Made for CleVR, where I had my internship.

It was a long process and I had to start over twice, but it was one of the objects I learned most from.

It is based on a Scania truck model

The frame has been specially made to make the container fit.

Made for CleVR, where I had my internship.

Four brands of containers: Delta Blue Logistics, KRAVAS, Container Shipping Company and Harbor Containers and Shipping Logistics.


Except for KRAVAS, I came up with the names myself. KRAVAS was a team effort with the other interns. Krava is Latvian for freight.


The containers all have slightly different types of wear and tear, as each company uses containers of different quality. 


Logos have been made by Ruben Schellekens, a friend of mine, with whom I shared a position as CleVR intern.



Made for CleVR, where I had my internship.

To break up the flatness of the buildings, I had to make a few assets that could be placed on the surfaces. 

Sunshades, satellites dishes and air-conditioning did the trick.

Building Additions

Chess Queen

Made for CleVR, where I had my internship.

Every intern made a chess piece as decoration for a park. I had the queen.

Made one with brass, two with bronze and one without metallic edges.

A small project I started working on to see if I could make modular building pieces. When I had my internship at CleVR, two other interns worked on buildings this way and I felt like I could do the same.

The plan is to make a living room first, with an open kitchen attached to it.

Modular Building Pieces

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